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Which organ stores and compacts waste before it is eliminated || that organ is called the rectum, or more coomonly, the anus. The rectum is the final part of the large intestine and the digestive system, where food that has had all. With the digestive system gizmo™, you can arrange the organs of the digestive system any way you like. To begin, look at the organs on the large organs tab.
Which two organs allow nutrients to be absorbed? _____ & _____ 2. Which organ stores and compacts waste before it. That organ is called the rectum, or more coomonly, the anus. The rectum is the final part of the large intestine and the digestive system, where food that has had all its nutrients extracted (as much as possible, anyway) is sent to be compacted and sent out through the anus in the form of excreta. Which organ stores and compacts waste before it is eliminated? Which two organs help to break food down mechanically. Design your own digestive system. Read the descriptions of the large organs, as well as those of the small organs on the next tab.
Student Exploration: Digestive System

Student Exploration: Digestive System

Digestive System Gizmo Akshaya.pdf - Name Akshaya Raamya Date December

ty digestive system gizmos.docx - Name Date Student Exploration

GIZMO DigestiveSystem Worksheet.pdf - Name_Neha Khandabhattu Date

Gizmos_DigestiveSystem_Worksheet - Student Exploration Digestive System

NTRS 3510-02 Online Notes - Chapter 1 How do you calculate calories
