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4 make cole a spirit or human. Cole is one of dragon age's most interesting characters, as he is part spirit and part human. He also is a major character from the book, asunder. Ancestral blade of lydes is a rare sword in dragon age:
Obtaining the blade requires caralina becoming duchess; In order to do so choose successor in lydes (part i) must be completed with either cullen or leliana to prevent her from being eliminated as a candidate. The three way truce comes in second. Gaspard and celene are both wretched, horrid, terrible choices, and both of them are responsible for genocide against elves (gaspard put things in motion knowing how celene would respond. Celene is the wretched piece of shit who actually called for genocide). As regards to your wider point: This strikes me as dragon age getting things really right, honestly. Succession was often super messy, irrespective of any laws in place. Theres a quest on the map 'choose successor in lydes' in which sucession goes to the person you decide not to ruin/maneuver out of the position.
Dragon Age Lore | War Table Missions —> Orlais —> Choose Successor...

Dragon Age Lore | War Table Missions —> Orlais —> Choose Successor...

Dragon Age Lore | War Table Missions —> Orlais —> Choose Successor...

Dragon Age Lore | War Table Missions —> Orlais —> Choose Successor...

Choose the Successor of Lydes... dayum, Josie! | Dragon age funny

Dragon Age Lore | War Table Missions —> Orlais —> Choose Successor...

기록 보관소 :: Choose Successor in Lydes (Part 2)
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Dragon Age Lore | War Table Missions —> Orlais —> Choose Successor...

Let's Play Dragon Age: Inquisition Part 103 - Return to Storm Coast
